She was born during a time of civil unrest when her father was in need of an heir to quell rebellion. Koriand'r was born Novem on the planet Tamaran as the firstborn to the royal family. 1.10 Unexplained power loss and saving Gar.1.2 Arriving on Earth and losing her memory.Kory later reconciled with Blackfire after the Titans visit to Gotham following the death of Jason Todd and subsequent battles against his Red Hood persona and alliance with Scarecrow.Ĭurrently, Kory seeks to understand the truth of her destiny as prophecized by her people her entire life and how the red moon, Brother Blood, and visions of a little girl with a red balloon play into it. Kory then moved to Chicago and partnered with Donna Troy for a time before rejoining the Titans in San Francisco, where she helped in stopping their old enemy Deathstroke and reunited with old flame Faddei warned of Blackfire's return, Kory was forced to kill Faddei after her sister, who revealed herself as responsible for their parents' deaths, mind-controlled him. Later gathering with Dick's other vigilante allies to confront Trigon, Kory became one of the victims trapped in the demon's false reality, before being freed and witnessing Rachel defeating her father. Kory soon began regaining some of her memories and learned of her true nature as well as her target's father, Trigon. She became Dick Grayson's lover at this time. Unknowingly befriending her target, she decided to protect Rachel, and teamed up with Dick Grayson and Gar Logan to destroy the Organization. Sent to Earth to destroy a powerful demonic entity known as " the Raven", Kory sustained temporary amnesia in a car-crash and forgot her mission. You will, too." -Kory Anders to Rachel Roth Ĭrown Princess Koriand'r (born November 11, 1991, year 9481 on Tamaran), anglicized as Kory Anders and codenamed Starfire, is an extraterrestrial warrior crown princess from the far-off planet Tamaran, the firstborn daughter of King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r, and the elder sister of Komand'r/Blackfire.

The choices you make define your destiny.